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Website Privacy Policy
Basic Statement
Presently, the Board collects the personal information about you through our website in the following ways:
- On our “Send Files to the Board” page you are asked to fill in information that will allow us to contact you to confirm receipt of the documents or other information you are sending to us.
- When you file documents with the Board they may contain personal information about you.
While the Board is an independent quasi judicial tribunal or “court like” entity, it generally follows the same website privacy practices as the Government of Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia Government Website Privacy Policy Statement can be found here.
What do we mean by Personal Information?
The term "personal information" means any information about you as an identifiable individual, for example, your name, residence, email address, health status, property assessment and market value, etc.. This information is sometimes also referred to as “personal data identifiers”.
Personal Information contained in Decisions and Filed Evidence
Aside from any personal information collected through our website, personal information that you provide as part of a proceeding conducted by the Board, except information granted confidential status, whether sent by postal mail, facsimile or email, becomes part of a publicly accessible file and may be posted on the Board's website through its decisions or by posting evidence relating to public proceedings.
The practice above is consistent with the principle that quasi judicial proceedings should be open and transparent in the sense that justice can be seen to be done and is accessible to the public. In keeping with this principle, persons who provide personal information to be considered by the Board as part of an appeal or application should expect that such information will form part of the public record. For example, letters of comment filed during a power rate hearing may be posted with other evidence submitted by the parties. Additionally, at the conclusion of the hearing, the Board may publish a decision which refers to that evidence or to the parties themselves.
While information is generally considered to be part of the public record there are times when it is appropriate not to permit disclosure. Under the Board’s Rules a person filing information can request that it be designated as confidential. For more information please refer to the Board’s Rules and its Access and Privacy Policy.
While information provided may form part of the public record the Board is sensitive to the real risks that disclosing personal information via the Internet may pose. So, while public information may be obtained by contacting or visiting the Board, personal data identifiers may be removed or blacked out for electronic versions of documents available through the Internet. Note that the Board may deny access to any party where it has any reason to suspect information will be inappropriately used.
When do we protect Personal Information?
There are several ways in which some personal information is kept confidential by the Board. In particular:
- The identity of persons appealing decisions of the Director of Victim Services or seeking reinstatement to the casinos is not released in decisions posted on our website unless requested by the appellant/applicant or specifically directed by a Board Member.
- Other information may be kept confidential at the request of one or more parties under the Board’s Rules of Procedure.
- In determining which personal information should be contained in its decisions, the Board takes guidance from the Recommended Protocol for the Use of Personal Information in Judgments, as approved by the Canadian Judicial Council, March 2005, which can be found here.
- For electronic versions of documents available through the Internet personal data identifiers may be removed or blacked out.
What we don’t do
We do not provide personal information gathered on the website to third parties except with your expressed permission, as permitted by law, or as directed by a hearing panel as part of a proceeding before the Board.
Access to your Information
You are entitled to correct any personal information gathered through the website that we hold about you. If you want to correct your personal information please contact the Board for assistance at:
Phone: 424-4448
Toll free: 1-855-442-4448
Facsimile: (902) 424-3919
Mail: PO Box 1692, Unit M, Halifax, NS, B3J 3S3
Do we use cookies or tracking devices?
To minimize costs, the Board shares some common internet services with the Government of Nova Scotia. Government web servers may use cookies or other tracking devices while visiting the website. Information gathered by these technologies will disappear once you leave the website unless there is notice to the contrary.
Server Logs
To minimize costs, the Board shares some common internet services with the Government of Nova Scotia. Government web servers automatically collect some information about a visitor's computer or their access device, such as its internet protocol address or browser version, in their logs. The Board does not collect such information, nor does it disseminate such information to third parties, except where we are required to do so by law, e.g., under subpoena. Although the Board does not collect or disseminate personal information obtained through server logs, the Government of Nova Scotia may do so. This information is used by the Government of Nova Scotia in aggregate form for statistical purposes only. Any further information on the collection or dissemination of personal information by the Government of Nova Scotia can be obtained by referring to the Nova Scotia Government Website Privacy Policy Statement which can be found here.
Further Information
For further information on disclosure and privacy matters, please feel free to contact the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board at 3rd Floor Summit Place, 1601 Lower Water Street, Box 1692, Unit "M", Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3S3, (902) 424-4448 or
Access and Privacy Policy
The Board’s full Access and Privacy Policy is available online here.
Routine Access Policy
Certain categories of records are available as a matter of routine without having to submit an Application for Access to a Record pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Board’s Routine Access Policy is available online here.