You are ready to contact the Board if:

  • You have not been able to resolve the complaint with your utility
  • For NS Power or Halifax Water - you are dissatisfied with the DRO decision


Before you contact the Board, you should assemble the following information:

  • Utility name
  • Description of the problem
  • Account information (the service and the address with the service is in your name or you have legal authority to act for the customer named on the account)
  • Any utility bills, notices or documents that will help the Board review the complaint
  • How you addressed the matter with your utility, including dates of contact and the names of people you spoke to or wrote to at the utility


You are responsible for all current bills that are not the subject of the dispute.


PLEASE NOTE that if you are dissatisfied about the DRO decision for NS Power or Halifax Water, appeals must be filed with the Board within 12 days from a NS Power DRO decision or within 30 days from a Halifax Water DRO decision.